Me.Dia.Re. Noprofit Association
Me.Dia.Re is a professional organization that provides experienced mediators and consultation services in Active Listening; Clinical and Organizational Conflict Management; Transformative Mediation of Interpersonal Conflicts; Family Mediation; Civil and Commercial Mediation; Victim Support and Restorative Justice; Psychological Support and Psychotherapy; Ethno-Psychology and Transcultural Psychology; Certified Training Services.
Who We Are
Me.Dia.Re was established in 2001 as a nonprofit association. We are an interdisciplinary team of 15 professionals, made up of psychologists, psychotherapists, family mediators and conflict mediators, anthropologists, criminologists, forensic scientists, sociologists, doctors of philosophy.
We work at national level, with several branches in Piedmont and other regions.
Partners and Supporters
We partner and work collaboratively with local governments social service agencies, hospitals and healthcare providers, , schools, as well as private organizations and businesses.
More specifically:
City of Turin
City of Collegno
City of Grugliasco
City of Verbania
Piedmont Region
Lombardy Region
Emilia Romagna Region
Valle d’Aosta Region
Province of Caserta
University of Turin – Culture, Politics and Society Department
University of Palermo – Department Culture and Company (University Degree in Social Work and Social Policy)
University Sant’Orsola Benincasa of Naples
Second University of Naples – Faculty of Political Studies and Higher Education European and Mediterranean Jean Monnet
Professional Association of social workers of Piedmont
International Observatory for Victim of Violence of Turin
L’Oreal Italy
BMW Italy
Hospital S. Orsola Malpighi
National Cancer Institute of Milan
USL of Modena
AUSL Reggio Emilia
ASL 1 ASL 2 of Turin
Hospital of Lecco
Waldensian Church
Private foundations (Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione CRT)
Associazione Psicologi nel Mondo – Torino
European Research Institute Association
Me.Dia.Re. Methodology
From the practical experience gained in its different branches, Me.Dia.Re. developed its own model of mediation (see contributions authored by members of Me.Dia.Re. listed in the Publications page), inspired by the paradigm of Transformative Mediation and further developed on practice base.
The key aspects of this approach on conflict management, where the centrality is given to the person, to its nonjudgmental reception and to make him/her feels recognized and understood, also shape the counselling services and victim support, as well as all activities and training projects.
Regarding the theoretical and operational setting underling the training activities for clinical conflict management, it has been developed by Me.Dia.Re and it was initially introduced through 160-200 hours training courses, in all Public Healthcare units of Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Lombardy. In each unit, specific Listening and Mediation Teams have been set up for the management of conflicts between healthcare workers and citizens (see, for example, Quattrocolo A., Ţereanu C. (2001) “Transformative Mediation In Healthcare Organizations: a Resource“, in Management in Health 2011; XV (1): 16-23,
This methodology is also explicitly mentioned in the Training Manual for clinical governance: The safety of patients and operators (January 2012) of the Department of Planning and the organisation of the National Healthcare Service – Directorate General of Health Planning – Italian Ministry of Health.
To this regard see some bibliography references:
- Regional Healthcare Agency-RER (2007), Mediating conflicts in health care. The approach of Emilia-Romagna. 158-2007 dossier, including in particular Quattrocolo A. The specific route proposed for the health sector in Emilia-Romagna: the Transformative Mediation of conflicts in healthcare. Theoretical and operating assumptions of training process
- Gaddi, D., Marozzi, F. & Quattrocolo, A. (2003) Voices of damage unheeded: conflict mediation and medical professional liability. Italian magazine Forensic Medicine XXV.
Our Mission
The mission of the association is to perform empathic listening, as a relational approach aimed at the recognition of the other and promote, among people as well as inside organizations and institutions, the awareness of its importance, its effectiveness and its usefulness, both in conflicts management in care, support, guidance, training, education activities, as well as in human resources management and in all conditions where communication is central.
What We Do
The association main fields of activity are:
Active Listening, Transformative Mediation and Psychological Support
From 2004 Me.Dia.Re provides free of charge services of empathic listening, mediation of conflicts and psychological support, in the cities of Turin, Collegno and Verbania.
Family Mediation
From 2005, we provides Free Services of Family Mediation in the cities of Torino and Caserta.
Psychological support and psychotherapy for victims
Me.Dia.Re also provides psychological support services for:
- Women victim of violence and their children
- Refugees and asylum seekers, adults and minors
- People and families in social and relational distress caused or worsened by the economic crisis
- Victims of intentional crime or offence of negligence and their families
The association also provides paid services of psychological support and psychotherapy.
Anti-Bullying Services
From 2011 Me.Dia.Re. provides free anti-bullying services in Turin.
Civil and Commercial Mediation
Mediation in Civil and Commercial disputes with three service desks in Turin, Bra and Naples.
Training activities
Training on prevention and management of conflict relationships and the refining of soft skills in different areas (family, health, work-organizations, social, educational).
More in details:
- Since 2005, courses finalized to the creation of Teams for listening and conflict mediation in all Public Healthcare units of Piedmont, Emilia Romagna and Lombardy Region (more than 90 hospitals and other healthcare centres)
- Courses for doctors and nurses on their model of Clinical Conflict Management
- Master in Organizational and Interpersonal Conflict Management
- Annual Master of victimological and criminological sciences and victim support in collaboration with the International Observatory for the victims of violence
- Annual Master of Family and Interpersonal Conflict Mediation accredited by the Italian Association of Family Mediators
- Courses on the treatment of the victims, victim support and the restorative justice in favour of psychologists, social workers, educators, practitioners, law enforcement and healthcare personnel
- Courses on the prevention and management of violence against healthcare and social services professionals
- Courses of ethno-psychology and trans-cultural psychology for operators of support services for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees (in collaboration with the Association of Psychologists in the Word in Turin)
- Courses for civil and commercial mediators accredited by the Italian Ministry of Justice.
Supervision and monitoring
Since 2007, Me.Dia.Re. realizes clinical, organizational and dynamic supervision and monitoring activities for:
- Operators of the 90 Teams for listening and conflict mediation trained in hospitals and healthcare units of Piedmont, Lombardy and Emilia Romagna
- Social services operators of several municipalities in Piedmont
- Educators and other professionals who work with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers
- Doctors and nurses of several hospitals.
- Provider of Continuing Medical Education by Age.Na.s. (National Agency for Healthcare Services)
- Training provider by the Italian Association of Family Mediators for the master in Family and Interpersonal Conflict Mediation
- Training provider by the Italian Ministry of Justice for the training and continued education of civil and commercial mediators and as provider of civil and commercial mediation services
- Training provider by the Association of Social Workers of Piedmont
- Certified Association that operates in the field of fight against discrimination, certified by the National Office for tackling racial discrimination of the Italian Ministry of Equal Opportunities.